Top 10 Amazing Fruits for Cancer Prevention

Top 10 Amazing Fruits for Cancer Prevention

A lot of people know that fruits are good for them, but what they do not know they can also help prevent cancer. If you are interested in healthy living and who want to know the name of the fruit, then keep reading. Cancer Prevention list below are the top 10 benefits for you can help you live a better and longer life.

10. Peaches and Plums

Peaches and plums have been found to kill the cancer cells! This is the result of phenolic compounds in the fruit which kill cancer cells without harming normal cells.

9. Apples

Apples have a ton of nutrients in them that can actually help fight heart disease! In addition to this, they can lower cholesterol and fight cancer cells from growing. Just one serving per day can make you healthier, so try it out!

8. Mango

A new study has found that the mango fruit can actually fight colon and breast cancer cells. This can prevent the cells from growing, which may prevent them from all means.

7. Oranges

Oranges have been studied many times by researchers because they can be beneficial for fighting cancer. In fact, a new study found that oranges can reduce the risks of cancer by up to 50%. In addition to this, they can cut risk of having a stroke by almost 19%!

6. Lemons

From 50% in lemon sour stomach, can help reduce the risk of mouth or throat cancer. You can easily get in your daily diet by slicing a lemon to squeeze in some fresh lemon into a glass of water or your food!

5. Kiwi

Kiwis are tasty, but they're also good for you. They are vitamin C, copper, lutein and packed full of antioxidants, vitamin E as well. These are all important cancer fighters, so eat more New Zealand and you can be healthy as a result!

4. Watermelon

Fruit vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C is high in antioxidants as well. Moreover, it is in lycopene, which is a cancer fighting chemicals. Its much food can reduce the risk of many types of cancer.

3. Pears

Pears are great for weight loss as well as better health! They have a ton of vitamins in them, including: vitamin c, b6, b2, b3 and vitamin k. They also have boron, which can help fight osteoporosis. In addition to this, it’s naturally high in hydroxycinnamic acid, which can help prevent stomach cancer.

2. Berries

The açaí berries, including, raspberries and, blueberries and cranberries are very effective in protecting the body from cancer. Some of them just do not kill cancer cells, they can prevent them from growing in the first place. Researchers can study them more berries, and even growth supplements to help cancer patients to find out what we can do!

1. Tomatoes – Top Fruit for Cancer Prevention

Tomatoes are fruits that have a lot of health benefits. In fact, on their ability to reduce the risk of these cancers have been hundreds of studies. Many studies have found that lycopene in tomatoes help reduce colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer risk. Cooking tomato lycopene enhance the effect, so it is said to have felt free to cook tomato food or raw food!