10 The Important and Fascinating Angels

10 The Important and Fascinating Angels

They are part of the way there, yet many religions. For example, most Christians angels could tell you about the Virgin Mary appeared to her, but he did not know the name of that angel. The following is a list of 10 important and interesting as they appear in Judaism and Christianity.

10 Important and Fascinating Angels

1. Gabriel

I spoke to the Virgin Mary, the angels wonder which one was it? No more searching for the archangel Gabriel told Mary she would conceive Jesus. He is serves as a messenger of God and the Bible periodically. Initially he appears in a vision to help the prophet Daniel interpreted his dream. Gabriel told her, appears a second time to Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth would have a son. Son later become John the Baptist. Gabriel showed him the third time that she would conceive a son, and they shall be called the Son of the Highest: for Mary. Gabriel was met with fear in all three competitions, and he dealt with her fear by offering words of comfort. However, this is not the full extent of the duties of Gabriel. He is often recognized as the responsible angel blowing a trumpet which tells of the return of God, the God. (Gotquestions.org)

2. Azrael

Now we have the light of God moved a little dark, Azrael, is a rough translation of the archangel (Uri to death). Despite his job, Azrael, is soft-spoken and patient characteristics as the good angels. In a way, Azrael pulled the short stick. Not long after its creation, Azrael was the word death and was instructed to track the human soul after death. In his research, he discovered that there were still clinging to the past as well as their souls from the physical plane. Pagan worshipers were led domains of spirits. However, the most shocking to discover that the only nether- realm became known as Hell, some souls were denied. The spirits of demons will torture them here, and soon. Azrael brought the existence of hell for heaven's attention, and was promoted later died. (Amadan.org)

3. Michael

Michael is one of the most famous archangels. Metatron, the reason is because it maintains the feel of a secret Michael is so interesting. Michael is so mysterious is the way they appear in the Bible. The Old Testament portrays Michael as a prince, the New Testament has shown an archangel Michael. However, the more you read the book, you will discover that it is likely Michael Christ. Although Catholicism is the general leading an army of God and the angels of which is associated with the angels, than Jesus assigned the important role of Michael. With that comes the responsibility to be at the forefront of the Christian Church. Other responsibilities go hand in hand with Michael. In calling the earthly man heavenly, and humans have in heaven. Michael led the duties are made clear in Catholicism, reflecting the confusion of different nature and a sense of mystery surrounding it.

4. Metatron

No, in the popular TV show "Supernatural.", Although it works Metatron'm referring to is said to act as a scribe of God "Supreme God". Metatron's story is one of the reasons he is so exciting. In one version of the myth, that Metatron was created by God to bear the burden of a high-ranking angels many responsibilities. Another version of the myth says that was not always an angel Metatron. He was a man (Enoch), up to several times in the garden and began her life as it was converted into an archangel. Both myths Metatron be described as a very important angel. He is often portrayed as holding immense wisdom and strength. However, Metatron is never mentioned in the Bible and all the speculation of these myths. Metatron idea of ​​the "Babylonian Talmud," comes from he is mentioned three times.

5. Uriel

Here we have an angel, a mysterious Archangel Uriel, Wise. Remember Metatron? Eurail Prophet ascended to heaven to become one of the Metatron Enoch, who later version guidance. Enoch was not only guide, but even some of mankind's fallen angels in the Book of Enoch. Uriel is often the hero, appears frequently in Jewish and Christian holy books. He said, questions the answer to the prophet Ezra God warned about the great flood of Noah, that prevents men from Herod to kill the Baptist, John and his mother to join him and the help of other things. During Passover, the angel Uriel ensures that the children crowded around the entrance of Egypt's homes is not blood. These are just some of the various duties that the Eurail. Not only is the Archangel Uriel plays a role, but he is also the patron of many Sunni Arts and Sciences and verified for Christians. (Angels.about.com)

6. Raphael

Archangel Raphael is Rophe and Rapach two Hebrew words which may be its name, which means the "medical doctor" and "healing the spirit of God" respectively. This name is very suitable for Healing Angel. He is only one of which is called by name in the Bible three archangels, Gabriel and Michael, the other two. Rafael book where her big debut TOBIT. She goes on an adventure with his own disguises and Tobiah, TOBIT as a human being. The purpose of this trip TOBIT blindness healed and whole, which is set to Tobiah wife of Asmodeus, a demon to save. Asmodeus is every man's wedding alone might occur before death. With the help of Raphael, Tobiah with Sarah safely into her marriage. Rafael TOBIT look is given credit for driving Demon's well restored. Not only is the healing angel Raphael, but he is dead, blind, nurses, and other medical workers Sunni patrons. (Catholic.org)

7. Lucifer

Perhaps the most famous angel, Lucifer very bad reputation. He gets its name from the Hebrew word for helel brightness. It is an interesting connection with the title "morning star." Angels are times when it is said in the Bible as the stars. For example, Isaiah 14: 12-14 describes Lucifer's intentions, "You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the assembly of the stars of God, I Zaphon will sit on the mountain. I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, the most High will give yourself. "in him we rise above the Lucifer angels and to claim the power of God for themselves hear what he wants. This was the reason why he was expelled from heaven, he did not obey God. Expelled from heaven, Lucifer names became associated with the devil and Satan.

8. Yequn and Asbeel

archangels past four angels, but to be cast down from the heavens that their actions are not angels. Yequn will be four demons, arguing that first. In this context, is of the devil, not Lucifer, but a bringer of evil. The angel led the Angels to dry sons and daughters of men used to these corrupt. Yequn, however, the plan did not hatch Asbeel alone is often considered his partner in crime. Asbeel Enoch was a book that portrays angels with a plan to corrupt their bodies with human women. Angels follow through with it, and whether the existence of such race Nephilim. Nephilim who were half angel and half human creatures. These creatures dominate the world, and such abominable God sent the great flood to destroy them. Then, Yequn and Asbeel are cast down from heaven and is considered as the angels fall.

9. Penemue

Penemue fact, described in the book of Enoch is the fourth of five Devils after Gadreel. The highs and lows of life as taught, as well as how to use their wisdom, knowledge of the new tree. Man learned to use ink to write on paper Penemue, and was never intended for humans to learn how to compose. The book of Enoch says that men as long as they remain virtuous and pure, angels were created equal. These criteria are met, then death would not affect humans. Penemue how knowledge was reflected in the use of human education, human bitters of life and no longer live in innocence. Man is defiled and death has just begun and will destroy them. Therefore, according to the book of Enoch, an angel fallen because of Penemue humans can slip in a death grip.

10. Gadreel

Angel betrayed all ansanyt- Gadreel. Angel is one of the more obscure but arguably one of the most important, he said. It is a common misconception that the serpent is Lucifer corrupted Hawwah (Eve). That means the book of Enoch Gadreel angel took the shape of a snake and ultimately lead to misleading Hawwah (Eve). Not only was he deceived Eve, but they also come with weapons to human beings. Enoch the shield and breastplate, as also set forth the weapons as a sword for slaughter. However, this is not the end of things. He said that since the death of weapons, and humans are the fighting. It is also collaborating closely with the operations of the angelic rebellion Lucifer. Gadreel becomes a fallen angel when he is thrown down from heaven with the other four devils.