The 10 Facts About Big Data You Should Know

The 10 Facts About Big Data You Should Know

In recent years, everywhere you go, everything you read online some, the term "Big Data" view. It's flowing "matrix-like image can be regarded as trillions of trillions of numbers and figures" and. But the "big data" actually mean for us?

We are just in the beginning of a "data revolution" will touch every business and every life on this planet, and it's something that we can not choose to ignore. I do not believe? Here are the facts that 10 to paint a realistic picture of the revolution. Here are 10 facts about big data need to know:

10. Big Data Is Literally Big Data

"It is really about big data", as it is called, large sets of data. One of the striking facts about the MOS big data is that they are much larger than what I think of as "large". Different people may have different definitions of "Big Data", and it is not a strict definition, and there are two definitions are correct and final. McKinsey "data whose size, grab store, manage and analyze. Common database software tools is beyond the capability defines big data as referring to" mayr- Schönberger and Cukier wrote in his book "Big data markets means many things one can do the same, organizations, citizens and governments, and extracting new insights in ways that change the relationship between the mass of a small there could be one, or to create a new form of big data. "how big is the" "details, take a look at a few statistics:

- We create new data every second counts. For example, we perform more than 50,000 search queries each other (only) on Google

- In August 2015, more than 1 billion people used Facebook in a single day.

- Send messages to Facebook users average 31.25 million and 2.77 million watching video every minute.

- There are over 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute up alone YouTube.

Data more than a decade ago, the number of such funds could not be handled by traditional database technology and machines. Hadoop and spark new technologies such as data generated each day, the amount of power emerged to use that underlies the exponential growth.

9. We All Contribute To Big Data

This is one of the most amazing facts about the data. As mentioned above, most of the Google search, Facebook, created every day in our daily activities, tweeting, posting on the Internet, there are large amounts of data while enabling user activities are created by some data as the data are generated by the data, read the article online as a consumer term passive user behavior, collected. We really do feel we are creating data, just watch some videos, we may be using our phones to take some selfies, but we are important for site owners and businesses important , and more importantly, we are contributing to the data generation - all of the "Big data by contributing to one of the core parts" of the revolution.

8. Data Means A Lot To Businesses

Business now instead of the traditional methods such as phone surveys, our customers are able to extract customer insights in a more comprehensive and interactive manner. Big data is "Big Data" as a support for their core business and plenty of corporations among the most interesting facts about the process are imported.

As a well-known example is Google, for example, adjust the auto-complete recommendations based on user habits and other information that I'm a programmer from Korea, and I find when I use Google for quite a while "python "it (a programming language), it automatically appears in the Python programming language will put information about priority sites instead of snakes. Google also has ads can be enhanced, so that you will know that the user will feel less angry and marketing benefits to show.

Big data is also used by luxury brands, as part of an RFID scanner, the "smart fitting room" project Prada fitting room, to promote sales of clothing designers and retailers can use to show that the trends are installed. As another example, for example, when we are surfing online, we respond naturally to online content, we just read and navigate based on what you feel like. And the study of the site owners and user practices and key insights for businesses to adjust their marketing strategies and product design. Have their own blogs that companies will find extremely helpful in understanding their clients.

7. Governments Use Big Data Too

Paid staff, volunteers worked 2.2 million campaign total of more than 100 data analysis in over 66,000 computer simulations ran 1.000 One of the most important facts about big data, US President Obama each day has played a key role in the election campaign. The goal of the campaign by Jim Messina was to "measure everything".

Governments, provides a crucial tool (provided that they want to listen to the people) found it near real-time updates and public opinion comprehensive demographic information in the data to citizens' opinions and demands. Governments are also used for different aspects of a city's daily operations, and it will be discussed in the following facts.

6. Big Data Is Not Only About Businesses

London Olympic officials were not effectively use big data to increase traffic conditions. During the Olympics, each driver spends an average of 3 days dealing with traffic, and transports an average of 300 accidents in London indicate that it will be every day. For monitoring traffic flow, and incorporated into the Olympic route network as well as optimizing, Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique by controlling the duration of the red light.

5. It Could Save Your Life

Pharmaceutical makers are uniting vast amounts of data from genomics and disease and other research to help us understand more about drug interactions, there is a huge increase in drug research and development. More effective medicines, particularly targeted in cancer and chronic diseases, are likely to be produced in large quantities in the near future. With big data, to evaluate doctors and evaluation of treatment effectiveness, thus, will enable patients matching develop and shine light on the spreading acceptance of new drugs and effective therapies with appropriate medical tests.

4. Big Data Helping Combat Diseases

The greatest fact about the data it can spread to construct infectious diseases realistic models, and government intervention a pandemic improve the meantime, to explain its effects can prevent a pandemic movements are used to understand. The government can use big data for real time how public policy measures, mobility flows, and disease models affect infection rates. Epidemics can be competitive on a global scale has been proven to be more effective in the case of Ebola. Google Flu Trends, a data analysis applied to predict flu outbreaks that can be done to prevent ago.

3. “Justice Through Big Data?”

Big Data crime prevention, crime detection and can be used in national security. Crime patterns can be predicted and has worked well with large data Prevention of Crime (it raises different ethical issues). Big Data is a great weapon against fraud, transactions can be monitored and anomalies can be detected more efficiently and accurately. We can seek justice through the Big Data? We may know the answer to this question in the near future.

2. Dark Side of Big Data

There are various drawbacks to implementing big data. This is one of the less facts about big data. For example, privacy is difficult to protect, do not work well with traditional legal and technical mechanisms of big data, data sets may contain sensitive information, including personal identity and your income, habits and preferences This information, which can be exploited by businesses as a means huge profits for them. In addition, major data will be high priority targets for hackers, finance, and to be applied in areas and does not prefer that people are people and medical records, concerning medical, financial information possibility. Big data which can also be used as a tool for individuals to privacy and safeguards against human rights violations.

On the other hand, the big data era, the challenge of free will, moral choice, the desire to safeguard human agency. It is rather philosophical and artificial intelligence development is less than or more similar conflicts.

Last but not least, more people will be unemployed due to the large data. Machines, as well as insight to the work performed by conventional extraction will be more careful, which is a big loss lgana- ably evaluate the available jobs. As marketing analysis of the data can be done by machines with analytic likely to the financial and business sectors, the most vulnerable, and even stock prices can be predicted by big data analytic that is, we will end the marketing departments and can easily imagine a lot of jobs in investment banks the appearance of the big data revolution.

1. It’s Growing Faster Each Day

Internet and growing popularity of personal computers and a large number of technologies brought about increased demand generated data, increased by 1,696% by 2012. This rapid, 2005, Internet data volume increases What is likely to increase and speed up due to the growing popularity of the Internet in the near future, social media, personal computers and mobile devices. 2017. The industry brings in large data about the various pros and cons of big data revolution, and that, clearly, we can change any one of the nearly US $ 54.3 billion in 2013 from some 10.2 is expected to grow from $ billion.

10 Facts About Big Data You Should Know

1.It’s Growing Faster Each Day
2.Dark Side Of Big Data
3.Justice Through Big Data?
4.Big Data Helping Combat Diseases
5.Big Data Could Save Your Life
6.Big Data Is Not Only About Businesses
7.Governments Use Big Data Too
8.Data Means A Lot To Businesses
9.We All Contribute To Big Data
10Big Data Is Literally Big Data