Top 10 The Doomsday Theories About The Universe

Top 10 The Doomsday Theories About The Universe

The universe is mysterious and fascinating. Little is due to the efforts to understand the working of the universe that we know about the universe. We also universe came into existence in the first place and how scratching their heads how it will end. 

There are a number of impressive universe theories trying to explain. Here, we give some ideas on how you will end the universe.

The 10 Doomsday Theories:

10. The Heat Death of the Universe

Imagine, if the universe is expanding, what will happen. The galaxies will grow and get larger and larger in the vast darkness. What next? The stars are no longer able to illuminate the planets, will get more and more. Eventually, the universe will go dark. The universe would be in a state of balance, and that everything will end. From the possible fate of the universe at this point, the heat will be death. Universe largely follow the thermodynamic system. After turning the world into a dark empty space of the hot heavy specks will spread in the cold void to create a thin haze.

9. Heat Death through Black Hole

Sometimes away for black holes will consume most of the matter in the universe is not a theory. Complete darkness and then a flash of light (also prevail with any thing will be pulled close enough to a black hole to emit energy). After which everything will fall back into the darkness again. Black Hole will start devouring each other and emitting will evaporate "Hawking radiation." Die the death of the black hole, we would be left with Subatomic particles Hawking radiation.

8. The Big Crunch

Accept the Big Bang theory, the universe at large how it came into being. To some non - all caused by an explosion. Big Crunch unlike the Big Bang. According to this theory, gravity slows the expansion of the universe. Our ever-expanding universe will one day stop and start bringing all (planets, stars, galaxies ET al) to the center (the contract extension was actually wiping out everything from where) beyond.

7. The Big Bounce

Big Crunch bounce is somewhat larger but has a somewhat positive view. Expanding universe of gravity is slowly shrinking back to the center of everything. The compression strength very well cause a big bang / bang, and the beginning of a new universe. The universe bounces back. Given this, a question comes to mind - our universe is the 394th or the first series of its kind? Interesting is not it?

6. The Big Rip

It may happen that the expansion of the universe accelerates so tremendously that it will ‘rip itself apart’. Our universe will become nothing. Evoking fear scientists have estimated that the Big Rip is to take place after 16 billion years from now and around that time planets will still be existent; imagine watching planet Earth ripped apart into minute pieces!

5. Time Will End

Scientists may one day view the time. At that moment will continue timelessly. If so, "then everything will be frozen forever as a snapshot of one instant." Technically speaking, there is not 'really' Forever we will be stuck in the same moment for all eternity. But no worries "Our planet will be gone for a long time" - Bilbao, professor at the University of the Basque Country of Spain Jose says Senovilla.

4. The Time Barrier

The possibility of multi-verse has been there but that gives rise to the problem of infinite-time universe where everything has a 100 percent chance of occurring. To understand the probabilities for it scientists took a section of the universe and started calculating which gave rise to another problem. It cut off sections of universes at the outer edges, just as we may cut off the outer edge of West Bengal (a state), if we drew a circle on the map of India. In estimated 3.7 billion years from now, we will be crossing that time barrier. And the universe will then come to an end.

3. Don’t Worry It Won’t

We may be unaware of a multi-live in the universe because the universe will just end and a universe can come to exist from the Big Bang or a major crisis, a heat death, a rip ET Allah . Our universe is just one of the many multi-universes, and even though it may divert a day, the fact that large "universe will". And have even created a multi-universe, a new creation every time.

2. Vacuum Metastability Event

Some scientists suggest that our universe is moving unstably on the edge of stabilitywhich is capable of getting disrupted and if disrupted the universe will enter a different state which is more stable. So some billion years later the universe will simply tip over the brink. And then a bubble of lower-energy vacuum will appear, just like that, out of the blue. This bubble will expand in all directions wiping out everything it touches. Weird!

Weirder is the fact that the universe will still exist after that, but with different laws of physics and different life forms.

1. The Eternal Universe

Well, this theory states that the universe after all have to face the punishment can never be and exist forever. The universe had a beginning, although it will have no end. In a cyclic manner universe will contract to expand and forever.

The initial singularity of the universe, but emerge from a point of infinite density and temperature known as the singularity is not the time. In view of light, scientists can take the time before the Big Bang says. sheetlike blank is contained within a higher dimensional reality - and was the result of a collision Big Bang branes. These collisions are creating an eternal, cyclical universe, can be repeated so that the universe may go on for ever. 20 years, scientists are hoping to make some interesting observations on this principle.