We anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive about the famous psychiatric addiction, etc., all over the world have heard. But the strange signs that some other weird and strange diseases. There are extreme, the pressure of life and different social and family issues are the most important factors for mental disorders.
In addition, hair pulling, may be some foreign works, but always works for ordinary people to fanatical books ... to people affected by eating grass. Strange mental illness or emotional difficulties are a wonderful idea you've never heard of.
10. Cotard Delusion:
Without the sufferer's blood or internal organs, it is suspected that he is not dead, and he complained of Cotard delusion is a rare disorder which is moldy. In addition, the French neurologist Jules Cotard first discovered the disease and "uneasy exile", or "refuse to delirium" it was called.
Three different stages of the disease has been discovered;
Evolution: patients are very sad and familiar.
Effectiveness: Full development of the syndrome.
Chronic: Severe chronic depression and confusion.
However, people having this syndrome usually isolated from the others and cleaning them and ignore their safety. Over a period, they have a very distorted picture about the outside world, so they can not feel it. Anyway, blending with electric shock treatment of the syndrome of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.
Cotard delusion was classified as weird or strange mental illness mental illness. More people affected by the disease are the "old" and "women". Many people commit suicide to get rid of their horrible illusion affected by the disease. Some of this syndrome believe that the dead youth.
9. Paris Syndrome
Have you ever dreamed of visiting Paris? Louvre? Eiffel Tower? Be very careful because this tour you can cause an emotional trauma. One of them in Paris Syndrome strange mental illness as an emotional and mental trauma when he visited the famous Paris is the capital of some of Japan's population. Therefore, this phenomenon was detected by a Japanese psychiatrist who had "hiroaki Ota" in Paris. Because of this syndrome is about Japanese people perfection and Parisian charm, but when they go there, he is believed to have discovered that less than their expectations, some chaotic streets, the language barrier, beggars who are the meeting in Paris was a strange reaction syndrome.
In addition, Professor "explains Craig Jackson" Birmingham University who schizophrenia and recognition of depression as well as a psychological state, but where do the symptoms of patients feel abnormal and usually stop acting there's more than one group, for symptoms of the syndrome, behavioral, psychological and physical. Similarly, pain experience or some others may be disoriented panic attacks people with similar symptoms without visiting the hospital needs to take the correct anesthetic, and authorization. Furthermore, some of them are in an aggressive situation, I could feel the confidence to develop and threatening.
8. Stendhal Syndrome:
Certainly, when you see the beautiful masterpieces everyone loves art, draw us, but did you ever meet someone gets an artistic aesthetic difficulties with high image?
When a person is exposed to an effective dose of art Stendhal syndrome is characterized by physical and emotional anxiety, we can not tolerate, great beauty of the cases the patient nature, where can this syndrome name . Thus, this syndrome was named as the title of the famous French writer Mary Henry, Florence tour in 1817, this unique book then describes the experience with this phenomenon: "Naples and Florence: Reggio Milan a trip to ". Psychologists doubt even if it existed, they do not deny the necessity of the treatment and care of people. However, it can be observed in the early nineteenth century, but it just by who studied more than 100 people in the case in Florence Italian psychologist "Graziella Magherini" when it was designated in 1979 had gone.
No scientific evidence that explains this syndrome as a psychological barrier, but on the other hand, evidence of the brain are energetic, enthusiastic following our emotional reaction when the sufferer look beautiful artistic work. Despite the documented cases in Florence, diagnosis American Psychological Association mental disorder and Statistical Manual "did not record any case. Currently reactions (heart rate of an Italian group of tourists, blood pressure, respiration rate ...) measure the "Medici Richard Castle", organized more by visiting the art masterpieces in Florence in any other manner following up this syndrome.
7. Diogenes Syndrome:
It took its name from the Greek philosopher syndrome "Diogenes" and that person, which means that besides the strong desire of the trend, and possession for the isolation severe wasting. Most older people syndrome, often physical, neurological, or risk, which is accompanied with mental collapse. Nihilism: The Greek philosopher Diogenes used to live in a wine barrel, and invite philosophical doctrine. In addition, Diogenes, known for his famous story of Alexander, when he was resting in the sun all day Alexander met him, and if they need any favors asked of him, the philosopher said, he: "Yes, I need to get away from you, if you still are covering the sunlight", embarrassment, Alexander said: "I was not Alexander, it's good to be Diogenes will ".
6. Autophagia:
Autophagy comes from the Greek word "autos" meaning "self", "phagein" "eat" means, the term mental disorders which refers to pushing food or person to cut a part of their body. Indeed, every human being to exercise autophagy, but continuous degrees, no more than the behavior of nail biting. Otherwise, in the most severe cases of autophagy, cutting the patient can not stop or show his body.
This explains why the loss amounts to suicide, and physical pain and emotional pain is the relationship between psychological "Jean-Paul Mialet", SaintAnne hospital chief, and director of education at the University of Paris V,
Currently, the autophagy syndrome factors are not identified yet; for some, this mental trouble could appear to compensate sensory loss, for others, this behaviour is related to impulsiveness, eating disorders, aggravated sexual anxiety, excessive stress, or even social isolation. The medical care of this syndrome allows the treatment of psychological causes and the different injuries to avoid infections, and correct negative thoughts which are originally autophagic behaviors. Besides, behavioral therapy is a psychological approach that contributes in replacing autophagic actions with adaptive behaviors. Antidepressants and antipsychotics are also prescribed when the behaviour is related to a psychiatric trouble such as obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
5. TrichotilloMania:
Trichotillomania, the word may sound strange, but it's a very painful disorder notified and misunderstanding. This hair-pulling, sometimes, that once led to the eyelashes and eyebrows like other hair all over the area, hair loss of a defined area of the scalp (alopecia) is added until a few symptoms which epilating time behavior:
After pulling a sense of relief.
Dermatological problem is not due to love. (Eg: areata)
The idea of grubbing depending on the behavior and increasing tension before pulling the resistance.
Social or occupational difficulties expressed by professional patient.
For Moreover, adults: Trichotillomania is then fully conscious "focus point", and irresistible need, peace or a crime behavior. Trichotillomania "Automatic", hair pulling is realized without consciousness in general (work, hobbies ...), the voltage does not offerfurther and relief from the stage.
For children, it affects more often than boys, and the stress periods. The disorder is usually temporary and disappear spontaneously.
Trichotillomania causes are not clearly established. However, some genetic factors may play a very important rule in the development of the disorder. So to remedy this problem, the patient must learn how to live with this trichotillomania, behavior might be well to psychotherapy, in some cases patients need drugs.
4. Androphobia:
Overwhelmingly affect women of strange psychological disorders. It can not have situations where men are men fear being hurt someone. Reasons differ, but there are common symptoms when exposed to fear because the sufferer so, every patient is different, having a phobia, like
Anxiety attack,
Dry mouth,
Coming need to sweat,
Inhale and much more ...
Moreover, this fear can be a traumatic experience in childhood, or because of the charm of a crime. However, this phobia can be caused by other sources. Similarly, is there any treatment for fear of disease treatment, first of all, though, the patient is doing counselors, psychologists still to find a cure for their best one specific case with you should easily. Furthermore, Neuro Linguistic Programming and effective treatment has shown good results, while the structure and behavior has reprograms, men are faced with a situation where NLP helps patients manage their phobia. This success can reach even hypnotherapy proved, therapist put his patient in a state of trance, so the logical part of the brain to reprogram the patient's comfort and security.
3. Bibliomania:
Since you're reading this list, you must be a book lover, and are excited about learning more, but you never hear about bibliomania? Linguists estimate was, "biblio" refers to the scriptures, means "frenzy" madness. Literally, it is the passion for books to books, or anger and collect them. In addition, it is characterized by its desire to control the books complained of mental obsessive compulsive disorder. Bibliomaniacs are compulsive buying for a number of books that will be read to or are obsessed with obsessive collector. In addition, bibliomaniac behavior could be a trauma, abuse or as a result of the neurotic defense mechanisms related to the oedipal conflict. Suffered a psychological conflict, and reduce or buys bibliomaniac do more than collect personal books to Chinese.
Symptoms of the disease are: -
A rare book collection of the amount.
And the irresistible desire to posses books.
Satisfaction generated by the collection of books.
Apart from being difficult to get rid of the books of their value.
Bibliomania the treatment strategies used for the treatment allows to reduce the manifestations of this disorder, but the patient is not cured, like drug treatment, mainly medical and psychological treatment. Or knowledge, ideas and psychological intervention through cognitive behavior therapy which can treat behavior.
2. Boanthropy:
A very strange serious disorder, the affected person themselves think and act like a cow or a bull. She begins as a dream with this disorder until it sounds like the truth or cows eating grass at the patient. It is believed to be inspired by such a suggestion.
The most famous case boanthropy, King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel's book, was turned into a cow pasture that went out to eat the grass! However, after getting a taste for the grass is the sufferer, it starts to become a vegetarian he lost control soon start mooing. This type of disorder can cause a delusion, or a reason to believe that he could be something other than human. This is the belly of the addition as it affects the brain, the disease affects the body, the body is not built to digest grass, because the patient may become sick cow place, Guy and his is able to chew food and vomit. If a person thinks that they start having symptoms should go to a therapist, there is no cure for this disease.
1. Erotomania:
For the first time in the twentieth century, is considered delusional illusion of being loved Erotomania. A look, a word, a gesture coming from the other ... and this revelation. They say that the disorder is chronic because it is sustainable over time. The disease still exists and much less so today are tomorrow's witness who continue to attack these people's lives. In some cases, the Erotomania other psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder) or it may result from a mental illness.
Generally, the Erotomania takes place in three stages: -
Phase I has become a kind of evidence other love, the patient began a devotion driven by a mad hope. No matter who will not hesitate to place an angry energy is to be seen, erotomaniac person, in favor of a sign as a mercy to this interpretation.
The stage ... and rancor: Very quickly, burst frustration, and depression into madness. It is expected to allow room for sadness and emptiness. The rapid change in rancor.
Do not yet understand the causes of the problem, it is possible that there may be a neurobiological abnormalities, or genetic, responsibility. While it is associated with disease Erotomania more passionate love, should not be confused with nymphomania which is related to a pathological exaggeration of sexual desires.
Finally, Ertomania causes a rare disease are poorly understood, it is very long and difficult to treat. In some cases, doctors used electroshock, mainly drug treatment. In addition, the effects of Neuroleptics or antipsychotics.