The best thing about science is wrong, when it will recognize it immediately. Some theories have often been shown to be wrong. New research antiquated old, the idea of ideas. Sometimes they are incomplete, and sometimes are rejected as they do outside. However, this does not hinder the process of discovery of new ideas. Science includes detailed procedures are considered the most rigorous process, that does not mean that it is not yet refuted theories. Sometimes, a deliberate hoax to fool the scientific community will be committed. There are several old scientific facts wrong. In due course of time - Science takes care of them all.
Below, you have been proved wrong depending on which data was questionable because it will find some important scientific discoveries. The majority of these discoveries may in the strict sense of the word is also important to fully understand not wrong. Some of these are more comprehensive and understandable that has been replaced by other versions of the same ideas. Check out these 10 old scientific facts wrong:
10. Discovery of Planet Vulcan
During the nineteenth century, scientists believed that there was a planet that astronomers exists between the Sun and Mercury. Vulcan was the name. The explanation was that there were some abnormalities with the first orbit of Mercury was discovered by Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier. Le Verrier argued that the reason for these features should be anything - serve as a small moon or planet - a source of gravity. Some experts doubted the existence of Vulcan astronomy. Search for a fictional planet in 1915. helps explain the strange phenomena associated with the abandoned In addition, the theory of general relativity to Mercury.
9. Spontaneous Life
For centuries, it was that rose from the elements without any other means of seeds or eggs or reproduction widely life. Aristotle, who founded the theory. The forward thinkers soil, earth, life and thought spring from the mud when he was exposed to sunlight. Theory persisted for centuries after Aristotle. As some scientists have proposed as the late 1700s. Scientific theory of how to survive and not lost once and for all. It is one of many scientific facts wrong.
8. Earth Expanding
Modern understanding of Earth and its practices are based around the concept of subduction. Before becoming accepted this idea, many scientists thought that the earth was always an increase in volume. This helped to explain many phenomena like mountain ranges and underground drifts continents.
7. The Theory Of Phlogiston
In fact, it was believed that the burning can take place of the existence of this element. It was said that phlogiston was colorless. With time, scientific tests then discarded this theory did not explain the burning of metals. The oxidation theory which took place Phlogiston.
6. Martian Canals
The ravines and gullies 19th century scientists believed this is a network that exists on Mars. All of the Martian canals, while other scientists support the idea of discovery by Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877. Became a pheromone. The canals were told that an irrigation system that was developed by the planet's inhabitants. View survived in the 20th century.
Martian canals were an imaginary with the invention of the modern telescopes. There were what looked like canals that became known optical illusion. In the 1960s, came to an unmanned spacecraft to the Red Planet and buried fully theory and rated images between scientific facts wrong.
5. Ether
Also known as the sky - it was a mysterious object element that supposedly helped forgiveness of light across the universe. Scientists believed that it requires a copy of a source of light to travel from one place to transportation. The theory was accepted until the nineteenth century. Experiences that contradict much of this principle; however, it continues to believe it. It gradually phased out with the advent of sophisticated ideas. In fact, it is still in better shape.
4. The Blank Slate
This is one of the oldest and controversial theories in psychology. When he was born. If someone says that there is no built-in personality. Education of intellectual content and was the result of experience. There was no such thing as instinct. Some family traits are inherited. This was proven after years of research and experience. And a blank slate of scientific facts wrong.
3. Phrenology
This is only regarded as a pseudoscience these days, but it was a time when it was widely popular. Theory of intelligence, character traits of such violence, and the music has been described that have been localized in specific parts of the brain. The Phrenology principle, a large area of the brain, the person most likely to behave in a certain way. Scientists do not believe phrenology. However, it just gradually phased out.
2. The Static Universe
Before the Big Bang theory were accepted, it was found that the universe and its size was not changed. This means that it will not increase or decrease the size of the universe. Even Albert Einstein believed in this principle. The gap theory that the universe can not be explained when she failed to explain why he was not denser with time. Einstein later abandoned the idea. Today, static universe ranks among the scientific facts wrong.
1. Cold Fusion
As a requirement of the energy needed to carry out a nuclear test temperature. Cold Fusion principle that such a process can be carried out at room temperature. It was a very simple concept. In fact, the idea is still considered by some people.
10 Old Scientific Facts Proven Wrong
- Cold Fusion
- The Static Universe
- Phrenology
- The Blank Slate
- Ether
- Martian Canals
- The Theory Of Phlogiston
- Earth Expanding
- Spontaneous Life
- Discovery of Planet Vulcan