The 10 Most Interesting Facts Related to Death

The 10 Most Interesting Facts Related to Death

What is eternal truth? It is death! Well it can not be just, but at least one of them. Everything that is born must die one day. Despite being aware that we are afraid to accept this fact.

Following the death of which you may never heard before 10 scary facts. So, ask them:

10. Dead Ejaculation

Ejaculation is something most people enjoy. Surprisingly, there is a chance we can enjoy the same after death. In some cases, the dead man's cell membranes become permeable to calcium added by calcium ions which can enable certain types of muscle cells. Contraction in the muscles, organs and the penis that lead to ejaculation, especially the results.

9. Left-handed people are getting murdered

Our society is dominated by right-handers are more tradition and companies. All products are designed with keeping in mind the right people. And why not when they are in the majority. Some people left to pay the price for this tradition by giving their lives. 2500 Left-handed people lost their lives every year by using the invention of products for people with the right hand. However, being part of the people left not only his right hand, but the surprising nature does the same thing. In Southern California, a study done by England Journal of Medicine, found that the right-handers on average live 75 years, while the left-handed people live, on average, 66 years.

8. Killer handwritten prescriptions

Find one of the prescriptions written by your doctor and read. You are most likely reading this because you know the name of the drug. Now read error pharmacy drug and imagine what will happen if you give a wrong one? Yes, it can be a life-threating error. According to a survey, die each year in the doctor's sloppy handwriting to 7000 people. Believed that national academies of science of the Institute of Medicine are dangerous to life on the written prescription abbreviations and food. Therefore, more and more hospitals are introducing electronic prescription to end the disorder and confusion.

7. Headless cockroaches

Have you ever seen a cockroach live without its head around? If you see something like this, do not panic. Cockroaches can live nine days without its head, and it's because cockroaches are not dependent on the head to breathe. They breathe through a small hole in each of the segments of the body. They die of thirst and hunger without his head.

6. Death Laughter

Laughter is good for health. Boosts the immune system, protect the heart and relax the whole body. But you can think of more than laugh at the cause of death? Yes, it is possible that one can die from too much laughter. For example, a Greek stoic philosopher Chrysippus saw his donkey eating figs. They have to have some wine, said to his servant, so they wash down donkey Fig. He laughed a lot when I saw drinking wine on the donkey died.

5. Crucifixion is alive

Remember Jesus' merciless execution? The practice of crucifixion victim nailed to a wooden cross and is known as left hanging until death. It is a slow and painful process indeed against humanity, but unfortunately it is still alive in some countries. Cross official and legal executions in Sudan and the United Arab Emirates. Recently, the UN Committee on Children's Rights has reported several cases of beheading and crucifixion of children in Iraq.

4. A man delayed death

You can not cheat death until David Lunt. He was a man who would not like to delay death. On 14th January 1877 in South Dakota, he was shot in the forehead in the salon. He said that this time must have been killed, but he survived and lived his life as long as 67 days. Then suddenly he felt a severe headache and died. The autopsy report claimed that he died due to a bullet shot in his head. But for anyone explain how he was able to survive such a long life, with a bullet in his head.

3. Vulture’s party

The different funeral rites based on religion or region, but none as odd followed by Tibetan Buddhists. When someone dies in his community, he has cut his body into small parts and defeat each of which became a pulp. The body has to offer vultures for their party.

2. Dancing with dead people

In Madagascar, people Famadihana known as the dig up the bones of their loved ones following the tradition of a funeral, wrap them again in fresh clothes, and dance with them. Tradition known as the turning of the bones. This ceremony is performed regularly once every seven years. They believe that the ancestor of the decomposition of the body after thorough and proper celebration of the souls of dead people. This process of decline, but the Malagasy believe it is outdated.

1. Turning human body into soap

By which the human body can be turned into soap is a process. The process is called Saponification. It is mainly fat and generally the production of soap from lye, which fatty tissues adipocerous (grave wax) or body into cheese. Smithsonian's National Museum of National History in Philadelphia train station has changed the soap in 1875, discovered a mummified man.

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