Top 10 Countries With The Worst Police Brutality
Police operatives Society Act. Their work to catch violent criminals and control, to keep the situation under control, but their job is not to punish. They are not the authority that decides who deserves to be killed or punished. The police force is accountable under the Constitution, they can not take the law into their own hands. Yet over the world have been known to step out of their traditional role of the police cases. Some forces ever put a toe across the line but occasionally others have gone many steps across the line. Here we have listed ten countries with the worst police brutality.
The police force was established for the first time by a Muslim Caliph Umar al-Khattab names (R.A). It was headed by a chief of the "ashes shurta known as" very much like nowadays Department inspector. His character was peaceful but with the growing population and changing the dynamics of the human psyche and pushed the police away from their primary role. Now police brutality is used as a brutal force to control. It is ironic, but the police is also very important. Below are the ten countries with the highest rate of violence in the world. But the surprise is to break your Top Friends. Although, the best police force in the country the world! Shocked? Read on ...
10. Brazil
Brazil police brutality
Because Brazil Rio de Janeiro will host the Olympics in a few months ago. It was also the worst cover of the high incidence of police brutality in the country. It is very common for people to kill the police are trying to control the crowd and illegal land occupations. The situation is getting a free ticket by the government to control as they want. Have been killed in ethnic and black men. Almost all the deaths have been reported that are considered self-defense. The problem is that the police do not seem to finish a gang is trying to control the violence with violence.
9. Afghanistan
Afghanistan's police force
A person in a video some time ago, a suicide bomber intent, suspected his back to the one end of the rope tying the hands and being dragged along the road connecting with other vehicle Taliban Shown. Happening in the Kandahar area, spokesman fake video calling and saying things like that happen in their area lies off the chances of mishandling. However, the area has a history of a people and prisoners manhandling under General Abdul Raziq. Many were reportedly beaten and bitten hit before going to trial in Afghanistan. To deal with the Taliban, all these measures they see fit.
8. Iran
Iran police brutality
Take a look at the 2009 Ashura demonstrations will give you an idea of the level of police brutality in Iran. Police officials reported 36 deaths but protesters claim the figure is much higher. Ashura is a day of remembrance of injustice in history. This is where owe to end a day in the Shia violence and injustice, but police use repressive measures against the people in the procession on Ashura. They were hit by shelling and firing on them. The same happened in the election protests in Iran. This was the general grief when the country hosted a conference of black men in the United States is why racial murder. People taken as ironic.
7. Haiti
Haiti police
Police brutality is common in Haiti. This way the government can be determined from the left to turn the island of Ile a Vache tourist attraction. Acquisition, withdrawal and instead to follow the proper procedures for development- bulldozers destroyed homes and police dealt with an exit from a specific line on the protests brutally. As was also not spared women priests and people indiscriminately straps.
A hard to deal with people protesting against the police chief in charge of government was replaced with a. This money is taken by the police to taxpayers to feed and the cost center is very sad that is used to pressure people legally. Although it would appear to be a side story to the readers, collected by human rights activists in their protest in Haiti is not enough evidence.
6. Kenya
Kenya police brutality
Kenya is an African country with popular issues and widespread corruption. People took to the streets in 2016 against the government of corruption. But, they were dealt with fierce resistance and punished by the law keepers. Protest crowds were struck with sticks and clubs. They were chased down the street and all the gruesome support measures for police to disperse crowds gathering. How anecdotes told reporters the police that they were treated cotton bales. No wonder people want change.
5. Russia
Russia police brutality
So by the police, the deaths in police custody and violence is that Russia has perhaps given me. People are prone to taking any steps to restore their authority and power to police. One of the most famous recent case was arrested from his own garage for alleged possession of drugs Sergei Pestov the 1970s' drummer who is also moderately successful bands. His wife had to identify his dead body the next day. And, the police claimed to be, even though he released it last night, think otherwise human rights activists.
4. Somalia
Somali police force
Like the country itself is abysmal state torn by civil war, Somali police force. During the 1000 German-trained police officers who reportedly disappeared and joined the force in 2009. An Islamic militia allegedly underpaid and to increase their income resorts to legal action. Bribe the citizens of the country Rampage private property and repression. In addition, police are turning away from crime and financial support received bribes in exchange injustice News. Attempts have been made to improve the situation, but so far has not been much success.
3. Egypt
Egyptian police brutality
It was claimed by CIA officers in 2004 was a man who wanted to be absent from the planet, they should be sent to Egypt. Due to the termination of the opinion that ousted Hosni Mubarak exception was the situation has worsened since the Arab Spring, because they are intended to be otherwise. The Nadim Center, 600 local atrocities 40,000 arrests, 1265 was reported missing in 2015, with 267 deaths. The more the most Sissi was to support the coup.
2. South Africa – World Capital of Police Brutality
The capital police brutality
Statistics suggest that the number of people killed by police in South Africa increases every year. All civil liability suit against the police were maintained, the budget will be used in court alone. As the numbers of torture by police and raped by uniformed policemen and are more in number each year, reports suggest. In 2016 alone there were 124 rape rape by uniformed policemen and 244 deaths. It is disturbing to see the vultures becoming protector. 145 cases of violence were also reported in the same year.
1. United States
The worst police brutality
Shocking as it may seem, but particularly in the top of our list as the country with the most brutal police force in the United States after 9/11. The beginning of the war, the police immunity against the legal and civil rights (unconstitutional in some cases). The police suspect "case of criminal activity", there were many casualties. Because innocent people are killed or biased executed after a show trial that police impunity with respect to civil rights when it comes to fighting terrorism. Most deaths of black men. This remarkable Alton Sterling, Philando cast, and the name of Gregory Gunn when it comes to police killings.
Top 10 Countries With The Worst Police Brutality
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